jmir medical informatics

A total of 13 facilitator theme categories and 11 barrier categories were identified. JMIR Dermatology (JDerm) is a new sister journal of JMIR (the leading open-access journal in health informatics), focusing on technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, informatics applications for patient education in dermatology, including preventative interventions (e.g. This method is inefficient and time-consuming in the clinical setting. During the course of the period chosen (2010-2016) for this systematic review, 112 authors published 14 works that specifically studied, analyzed, and discussed factors relating to the self-management of hypertension via telemedicine. For this type of study, formal consent is not required. Kruse, Justin 2021 In the United States, 1 of every 3 adults has hypertension and only about half of the population with hypertension has the condition under control [9]. Costs may pose an issue if organizations lack proper strategic planning initiatives and fail to adequately address the purpose for adopting telemedicine into their practice. Hypertension is a chronic condition that occurs when blood is pumped through the arteries with excessive force [1]. The long-term use of this as an intervention is where most cost savings are seen [3]. There are concerns over the perception that the technology is labor intensive and is only available in affluent countries [18]. What is Impact Factor misuse? This allows for an increased patient load and an increase in the amount of care given in a timely fashion. [, Maciejewski ML, Bosworth HB, Olsen MK, Smith VA, Edelman D, Powers BJ, et al. Getting patient buy-in and continual participation is in question [5]. All the papers were related to using telemedicine to measure high blood pressure, but it was the target populations that varied. This review is also useful to patients. Our policy towards the use of cookies All Clarivate Analytics websites use cookies to improve your online experience. The extraordinarily vast number of uses for telemedicine made research difficult with regard to narrowing down the target population while still having enough data to conduct a systematic review. Web-booking of flights, hotels, and sports events has become commonplace in the travel and entertainment industry, but self-scheduling of health care appointments on the web is not yet widely used. All identical papers were analyzed and unified before the table was generated. A total of 24 themes were noted between the two categories. By increasing the quality and patient satisfaction, higher reimbursement can be realized through federally funded programs. Facilities that have adopted models of telemedicine have shown better patient outcomes and satisfaction, higher patient volumes, and increased facility space to be used for other purposes. Studies in the area of cost-effectiveness have been weak overall; however, it is believed that there has been a gross underestimation in this area, as the cost of technology has decreased over time [13]. Narrative summaries related to factors that influenced the adoption of telemedicine for the self-management of hypertension were extracted from each paper and included in Table 1. JMIR Diabetes focuses on technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, informatics and patient education for diabetes prevention, self-management, care, and cure, to help people with diabetes. These facilitators need to be kept in mind when determining a route to abide by PPACA guidelines. 1. There is evidence to show that there are differences in effectiveness between men and women [3] and that there are other inconsistencies between the programs (and the research surrounding them) [12]. What is the Impact Factor of JMIR Medical Informatics; What is the Impact Factor of JMIR Serious Games? Studies showing the cost-effectiveness of telemedicine point that there is a variation in savings within the short-term use of telemedicine and that this variation can be expected to be steady and to increase in cost-effectiveness over a 2-year period [3,4,14,15]. Incentives for cost cutting and improved outcomes exist through PPACA and Medicare reimbursement policies. The concerns here were that the implementation of such technology would blur professional roles in the treatment milieu [13] and that a fear of a significantly increased workload via input exists among these same practitioners [6]. Racial differences in the effect of a telephone-delivered hypertension disease management program. Articles from JMIR Medical Informatics are provided here courtesy of JMIR Publications Inc. Support Center Support Center. The cost-effective nature of the use of telemedicine in the treatment of hypertension was identified 5 times [3,4,11,13] (multiple occurrences per article: 8) (12%). Payers for services (such as Medicare) have made little efforts to pay for services provided via telemedicine [4], and this is slowing implementation. A shortfall of this study is that all the papers focused on serving different populations with telemedicine. Patients were able to realize an ease in their ability to receive care from the convenience of their own homes [4,15]. Research is limited on the effects of utilizing telemedicine in health care facilities. JMIR Medical Informatics 684 articles JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 623 articles JMIR Mental Health 561 articles JMIR Formative Research 398 articles Iproceedings 312 articles JMIR … The use of the technology also allowed for care to be delivered over long distances, which increased not only access to care but also access to health information [5,18]. Upon alignment, there will be an increase in the quality of care provided to the patients, thus resulting in improved health. JMIR Medical Informatics | Read 738 articles with impact on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists. This costs the nation US $46 billion each year in health care services and medications required for treatment and missed workdays [9]. Other variant title: Journal of medical Internet research medical informatics. The purpose of this review was to weigh the facilitators against the barriers for implementing telemedicine. JMIR Medical Informatics is a journal respected by experts and researchers alike. Telemedicine has been studied to show an improvement in the quality of life and health of patients who participated in the research studies [4,14]. Abstract: Background The COVID-19 pandemic has not only changed the private lives of millions of people but has significantly affected the collaboration of medical specialists throughout health care systems worldwide. The potential exists to put patients in an unsafe condition and/or without medical oversight and attention. Most of these works highlighted both facilitators and barriers, and only one highlighted only facilitators. May 22, 2021, March 18, 2021 It is not a separate specialty in the medical field because telemedicine is typically integrated in health care institutions within information technology or the delivery of care [2]. However, parallel to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic is the proliferation of information regarding the pandemic, which, if uncontrolled, cannot only mislead the public but also hinder the concerted efforts of relevant stakeholders in mitigating the effect of this pandemic. Understanding the facilitators and barriers to implementation is important, as is understanding how these factors will impact a successful implementation of telemedicine in the area of self-management of hypertension. Compared with severe acute respiratory syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, COVID-19 spreads more rapidly owing to increased globalization, a longer incubation period, and unobvious symptoms. There is limited oversight, regulation, and guidelines over telemedicine applications [13], and there is a fear that many applications exist with no oversight at all [14], medical or otherwise. JMIR Medical Informatics 684 articles JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 623 articles JMIR Mental Health 561 articles JMIR Formative Research 398 articles Iproceedings 312 articles JMIR … Spanish-speaking patients' engagement in interactive voice response (IVR) support calls for chronic disease self-management: data from three countries. These themes were identified 6 times each, out of 41 total occurrences (15% each). Telemedicine has been shown to be effective, efficient, and affordable in reaching its target population [4]. JMIR Diabetes (JD, Editor-in-Chief: Caroline Richardson) is a Pubmed journal of JMIR the leading open-access journal in health informatics. [, Kaambwa B, Bryan S, Jowett S, Mant J, Bray EP, Hobbs FD, et al. NIH. Conclusions: This review guides health care professionals in incorporating new practices and identifying the best methods to introduce telemedicine into their practices. Tailored case management for diabetes and hypertension (TEACH-DM) in a community population: study design and baseline sample characteristics. The search focused on self-management of hypertension through the use of telemedicine. Papers are listed in the order of publication, with the most recent papers at the top. The lack of long-term studies on this topic has shown a difficulty in the fashioning of responsive clinical processes [15] and a lack of data to show comparison with normal management of hypertension [11]. Lack of evidence was an area that showed many possible concerns. With the ability of technology to inform the public, patient awareness on the management of their own health has made them a major stakeholder in health care. The information presented is helpful in understanding the benefits of telemedicine and its function in an organization. Practitioners are concerned that they lack the resources (technical and financial) to maintain an in-house mHealth service [18]. Contemp Clin Trials 2013 Sep;36(1):298-306 [, Flodgren G, Rachas A, Farmer AJ, Inzitari M, Shepperd S. Interactive telemedicine: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes. Telemedicine is relatively new to assist with self-management of chronic conditions, and there is limited research on the subject. An advantage to the use of telemedicine identified was that it alleviates issues regarding interventions in the face-to-face method [10]. 10.2196/medinform.6603 Manual extraction is difficult and time-consuming, and there is not a lot of research on natural language processing extracting medical information from unstructured text from French corpora. Popul Health Manag 2015 Jun;18(3):192-202. These solutions are initiated near or after discharge, when clinicians’ impact on inpatient care is ending. The editor-in-chief is Gunther Eysenbach.The publisher is JMIR Publications. Also of note is that blood pressure readings in the home environment are more natural [6] and are not plagued by the stress of the medical office or “white coat syndrome.” These more natural readings, which are facilitated because of the use of telemedicine, show patients to have decreased blood pressure readings versus normal in office care [13], which in turn assists in long-term blood pressure control [12]. Monitoring critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs) in real time is vitally important. Known as the “silent killer,” hypertension is listed as one of the most important causes for premature death; it affects 1 billion people worldwide, with two-thirds found in developing countries [9].
jmir medical informatics 2021